Monday, April 5, 2010

team rho

ham and italian food

team Chi

Today, Amanda, Heather & I worked on seperating our topics. We researched while Trang wasn't here. We ate CHOCOLATE ((:


Theresa, James, and Kevin wrote their parts and I reviewed Kevin's sources and his information. I ate lasagna, tea eggs, salmon, and rice.

Psi group

Our title is the Thrill Bill
Chelsea: Got her sections numbered and completed
Sarah: Completed her sections/power point
Christian: helped with power point
Makaila: worked on her sections

we ate: pasta, eggs, ham, and tortillas.

Team Omega

We talked about our presentation and how we are going to finish the powerpoint today.
Team name is Omega
We ate turkey, asian food, chocolate, jelly beans, marshmallows, eggs

Team Sigma Library time

Daniel: Absent
Jan: Section 6/7 and research
Chrysta: typing up section 4
Ashlyn: Research of former stem cell bills and their vetoes

Steak, Salmon, eggs, bacon, salad, rice, chicken, pasta, chow mein, chocolate, sour patch kids, and ice cream


Brian - adobo, sinigang, halo-halo,
Arthur - chicken katsu, starbucks
Mikha - palabok
Ronald -ramen

Started the bill.

Team Rho

Michelle - edited the bill
Nicole- discussed possible laws and edited
Sabrina- Began writing her sections and understood the laws that we are setting up.
Jessica - looked up some stuff and edited

Basically, we are in good shape. We should be done with every section tomorrow and
then we just have to edit the bill some more.

I am going to start the powerpoint tonight.

Team Phi Report

Christine: gave us orders to write one page of notes.
Kelly: Researched.
Chris: Researched; given section that deals with penalties to write.
Corey: Gave 1 page report on things and typed 1/4 page of section 4.

Everything we ate yesterday. Asian food. Eggs. Chocolate. Cream puffs? Korean BBQ. Chicken. yay chicken.

Friday, April 2, 2010

team chi

Today my group and i found sites that helped us find why abortion should be illegal
favorite jelly bean: pink

Team Phi Report

Favorite Jelly Bean Color: ...?

We made a lot of progress, managed to get a lot of solid facts that are going to back up our bill. This is slowly getting exciting...sike. HAHAHA.


We did further research and began to really flesh out concepts that we were considering. None of the colors.

Team Rho

We started to write parts and still researched.

Fav Jelly Bean Color: red

team Sigma's computer time

Chrysta: research and notes on stem cells (section 4)
Jan: research of backround on stem cells
Ashlyn: research of house committees
Daniel: absent

Team Omega

Our plan over the weekend is to send all of our paragraphs to me and i will read everything and make sure it flow. Yesterday we already talked about what to say and write for the other sections (section 2-9). If we keep up with our plans then we should have everything done by Monday. The most important thing right now is section 3-4 convincing the house of representatives.

Jelly bean color orange


Brian - jursidiction of our committee, related bills and laws
Mikha - the distribution of the tax money
Ronald - the 5 W's of the fat tax
Arthur - Obesity and fatty foods

Psi Group

divided our work and went over the research we found last night.
chelsea: working on timeline & first part of the bill
sarah: working on why it is needed & who will benefit
makaila: working on how the bill will work & how it will be financed
christian: working on the penalties and how it will be enforced

favorite = green

Thursday, April 1, 2010

amanda reyes period 5 library

today my group wasnt here. we already decided on our topic which is abortion so i just looked up some information to help me get more familiar on the issues dealing with abortion.

Team Phi

Today Team Phi made exceptional progress, and we're moving along very quickly. We managed to select our topic and find a good webpage as an example for what we are doing. We cannot show you though, because its too much for you to handle.

Team Rho

We divided the work load, discussed possible provisions, and discussed previous research by Michelle.

Team Omega

Today Tyler, Sarah (me), and Alexa looked up information on our topic about nudity. We've also been brainstorming and telling each other what our role and job is for tomorrow. We've decided to research also at home and send each other information, as well as bring in informations tomorrow. Today was an extremely productive day because everyone did what they can to help out today.

Team Chi

Heather researched on abortion laws and their history.
Trang researched abortion from the books.
Lovely was absent.
Amanda was on the computer researching abortion laws in different states.

Library Day and Duties team sigma

Nela: researched about the controversies and thought of ideas for penalties
Ashlyn: research in books and internet
Chrysta: research adn notes


We split up the work so everyone knows what to do. We talked about what we could include. We also found some sites that provided good research.

Psi Group

We all split up the work and decided on what we were doing for the project & what we need to research for tonight. Christian looked up sections 11 and 12. Sarah looked up 8 and 9. Makaila looked 6 and 7.


Mikha - wrote out ideas, discussed
Ronald- skimmed through bills, discussed ideas and how the bill should be written
Brian - researched committee and side effects
Arthur - researched ideas

Phi Group Topic

18-year old drinking laws.

Psi Group Topic

prostitution should be legal :)