Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Rules Of This Blog

Because the WWW can often be thought of as a "Wild West", I thought it'd be a good idea to set some ground rules about what is acceptable and what isn't. Violation of any of these rules is just as serious as any other school policy infraction.

1. BE RESPECTFUL. Don’t say anything to offend others. Any degrading, offensive, or insulting comments will result in you receiving zeros for your assignments and eventually being banned. Also, do not comment-spam other people.

2. NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTS. You must be logged in. Any posts where I’m grading you cannot be anonymous (obviously). Actually, you have to be a member of this blog to post, and I'm the only one who can invite.

3. STAY ON TOPIC. Stick to the discussion.

4. CLEAN UP YOUR WRITING. Even though this is a blog, it is a CLASS blog. While I don’t expect you to be formal the way you would in an essay, you should try to tidy up your spelling and grammar as much as possible. NO “TEXT SPEAK.”

5. NO EXCESSIVE GRAPHICS. Only post videos/photos where appropriate, and even then, use discretion.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jun Ooi

What is normal?
  • Normal is relative. What may be normal to you, may be absolutely strange to me & what may seem normal to me, may seem weird or crazy to you. The way we perceive "normal" is highly affected by our society.. We are taught that normal means average, regular, typical, etc. But really, being normal is just the state of being perfectly content with your own being and not drowning into society's pool of degrading standards for being "normal."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Estevan Rodriguez

What Is Normal?
Normal is the common triats of a specific person, like the way they act amongst friends or their characteristics. For anything to be normal, however, it must be done in the same way multiple times.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nancy Nguyen

What is normal?
Normal is when you're comfortable to be yourself and not what society expects.

P5 RoyGabby Introductory Document

Hi Cummins, this is Gabby. I hope I am doing this thing right -__- why do you have to make it so complicated! 
jk :D internet is the best way to get through things faster. k thanks bye!

Justin Sigmon

What is normal?
Normal is acting like everyone else.

Nathan Phan

What is normal?

Normal is doing what everyone expects from you

Derek Phan

Normal is what society views as common among its members.

kayla lindstrom

 What is normal? Normal is something that is ordinary. It is something everyone does. It is expected and not different.

Alyssa valle

I think normal is whats usual for you and kinda blending in or doing whats natural.I think everyone's idea of normal is different.

Sheldon Hentschke

What is normal?
Really, Cummins? This is a really bogus question. Normal is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? I mean, to one guy a lizard eating dinner at the table is pretty normal, and to the next guy lizards in general are absolutely bizarre. (I'm from the former party.)

Mia Chuakay

What is normal?

Normal is being the same as most others. It's following in what society sets out for us.

Tatiana Almogela

What is Normal?

Normal is anything that makes someone comfortable.

Key Chung

To be normal is to act like everyone else. In other words, normal is what society expect you to be, so therefore society is stifling individualism by expecting people to meet certain standards.

Aaron Ceuppens

What is normal? 

Normal is anything within definition.

Adam Luo

What is normal?

Normal is whatever you think it is.

What is normal?

Normal is being mentally and physically trained to work and act the way people accept you in the society. Anything out of the assumption people commonly make about someone determines whether he or she is acting normally or not.

Garrett Fernandez

What is normal?
Who are we to say what normal is?

Annie Hsu

What is normal?
Normal is conforming to society standards.

Chris Nguyen

What is normal?

Normal is something that people think fit in with everything else.