Monday, January 25, 2010

kelly ngo

good thing: maintain peace
bad thing: taxes

Ashlyn Laguatan

good: keeps us safe
bad: tells us what to do

Corey Mabutas


Good: It helps keep order in the country.

Bad: Taxes suck.

makaila wutzke

good: they try to make situations better
bad: They make some things so complicated it's close to impossible to accomplish what your trying to do while still playing by the rules.

Heather Brown

The good thing about government is that it informs us about history.
The bad thing is that there is alot of information to know about history.

Amanda Reyes

+The government helps regulate the economy.

-There are too many laws & taxes are too high.

Ronald Rufino

Good: We learn about our past and not make a mistake in the future
Bad: Sometimes its biased and the government can become corrupt from a bad leader

Sabrina Hernandez

Good: They provide the necessities for us to survive.

Bad: They are controlling and bias and take all of our money.

Nicole Shiu

Good: They protect us
Bad: They have control

Chris Phu

Good: hella tight
Bad: hella work

Arthur Liu

good: The government can make laws that benefit us.
bad: They make laws that not everybody agrees with.

Christina is awesome!

Nela Musika

Good- It helps the disabled with good services such as medic aid and social security.

Bad- It spends alot of money that isn't helpful towards helping our country expand in a good way.
One good thing is that the government tries to keep us safe.
One bad thing is that the government is sometimes wrong.

Christian Rivera

Good thing about government is that we all have this class to graduate.
Bad thing about it is that we all might fail..

Lovely F. Timoteo

Good: They let us know what's going on around the world.
Bad: Too many laws !

Anita Wang

Good: TRAFFIC LAWS. So I don't die.
Bad: Tax!!! D:

Andrew Rosas

Good: Fun
Bad: A lot of work

Sarah Le

One thing I LOVE about American Government is the fact that they have punishments for those who break the law.
One thing I HATE is that I have to pay taxes for the stuff that I buy.

Dinesh Prasad

Good: They protect us.
Bad: They make laws I don't agree with.

Chelsea Ocampo

Each state is politcally organized by the government.

There's too many laws and taxes involved in the government.

James Skokan

Good: They protect us

Bad: They tax us BIG TIME!

Jessica Tran

good: not as much chaos as there could be.
bad: government controls too much sometimes.

Michelle La Bine

One good thing about the government is the safety nets it provides for its citizens. These include Social Security, welfare, and disability. One bad thing about the government is the fact that we are currently in a war with a horrible economy.

Alexa Necesito

Good: They keep everyone safe and in check!
Bad: Too many rules.

Chrysta Perez

I think one good thing about the government is that it tries to take care of its citizens. One bad thing is that it can easily become corrupt.

Kevin Li

Good thing: The government runs the entire world.
Bad thing: The media hides the truth about the government

Trang Ngo

Good thing about government: Keeps us safe and protects us.
Bad thing about government: It is sometimes unfair, biased, or unjustified.

Chris Ngo

Good of American Government: Teaches me what I do not know about the American Government.

Bad of American Government: I heard there is a lot of work.

Christine Nguyen

Good: We have rules to keep the crazy contained
Bad: Too much control! D: